2019年6月2日 星期日

政一B 邱科翰 (2-14)

姓名 : 邱科翰
班級 : 政一B
學號 : 07114248

[標題] European elections 2019: Tories and Labour punished for Brexit contortions

[內文] The scrap has started.
Were these results an overwhelming cry for us to leave the EU whatever the cost? Or a sign, with some slightly convoluted arithmetic, that the country now wants another referendum to stop Brexit all together?
Guess what, the situation is not quite so black and white, whatever you will hear in the coming hours about the meaning of these numbers.
The Brexit Party's success was significant - topping the poll, successfully building on Nigel Farage's inheritance from UKIP. As a one-issue party, his new group is the biggest single winner.
But the Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid and SNP - all parties advocating the opposite - were victors too.
Those who have been clearly pushing the case for another referendum in order to slam the brakes on Brexit have, this morning, a new confidence, a vigour with which they will keep making their case.
While those two sides fight over this election's true meaning, what is clear is that the two biggest parties have been damaged by their various contortions over Brexit, punished by the fiasco at Westminster, and beaten by rivals who have offered clarity while they have tried to find nuanced ways through.
The Tories' performance is historically dreadful. This is not just a little embarrassment or hiccup. In these elections the governing party has been completely smashed.
And for the main opposition to have failed to make any mileage out of the Tories' political distress is poor too - with historic humiliations in Scotland and Wales for Labour as well.
There is immediate pressure, of course, on Labour to argue more clearly for another referendum, to try to back Remain, to shore up that part of their coalition. The dilemmas over doing so still apply even though more and more senior figures in the party are making the case.
Shades of grey
And with the success of The Brexit Party, there is a push for the Tories to be willing to leave the EU without a deal whatever the potentially grave economic costs.
The Tory leadership contest in the wake of these results runs the risk of turning into bragging rights over who can take a harder line on Brexit.
In these elections it seems both of our main Westminster parties have been punished for trying to paint shades of grey when the referendum choice was between black and white. And there is a chance that encourages both of them to give up fighting for the middle.
But that could set our politics on a course where, whatever happens, half of the country will be unhappy. Nothing about these dramatic results sketches out a straightforward route.

憲法第 62 : 立法院為國家最高立法機關,由人民選舉之立法委員組織之,代表人民行使立法權。
憲法第 63 : 立法院有議決法律案、預算案、戒嚴案、大赦案、宣戰案、媾和案、條約案及國家其他重要事項之權。
憲法第 107 : 左列事項,由中央立法並執行之:
十一  國際貿易政策。
十二  涉外之財政經濟事項。
十三  其他依本憲法所定關於中央之事項。
憲法第 108 : 左列事項,由中央立法並執行之,或交由省縣執行之:
十一  中央及地方官吏之銓敘、任用、糾察及保障。
十二  土地法。
十三  勞動法及其他社會立法。
十四  公用徵收。
十五  全國戶口調查及統計。
十六  移民及墾殖。
十七  警察制度。
十八  公共衛生。
十九  振濟、撫卹及失業救濟。
二十  有關文化之古籍、古物及古蹟之保存。

地方制度法第 18 : 下列各款為直轄市自治事項:
 () 直轄市公職人員選舉、罷免之實施。
 () 直轄市組織之設立及管理。
 () 直轄市戶籍行政。
 () 直轄市土地行政。
 () 直轄市新聞行政。
 () 直轄市財務收支及管理。
 () 直轄市稅捐。
 () 直轄市公共債務。
 () 直轄市財產之經營及處分。
 () 直轄市社會福利。
 () 直轄市公益慈善事業及社會救助。
 () 直轄市人民團體之輔導。
 () 直轄市宗教輔導。
 () 直轄市殯葬設施之設置及管理。
 () 直轄市調解業務。
 () 直轄市學前教育、各級學校教育及社會教育之興辦及管理。
 () 直轄市藝文活動。
 () 直轄市體育活動。
 () 直轄市文化資產保存。
 () 直轄市禮儀民俗及文獻。
 () 直轄市社會教育、體育與文化機構之設置、營運及管理。
 () 直轄市勞資關係。
 () 直轄市勞工安全衛生。
 () 直轄市都市計畫之擬定、審議及執行。
 () 直轄市建築管理。
 () 直轄市住宅業務。
 () 直轄市下水道建設及管理。
 () 直轄市公園綠地之設立及管理。
 () 直轄市營建廢棄土之處理。
 () 直轄市農、林、漁、牧業之輔導及管理。
 () 直轄市自然保育。
 () 直轄市工商輔導及管理。
 () 直轄市消費者保護。
 () 直轄市河川整治及管理。
 () 直轄市集水區保育及管理。
 () 直轄市防洪排水設施興建管理。
 () 直轄市水資源基本資料調查。
 () 直轄市衛生管理。
 () 直轄市環境保護。
 () 直轄市道路之規劃、建設及管理。
 () 直轄市交通之規劃、營運及管理。
 () 直轄市觀光事業。
 () 直轄市警政、警衛之實施。
 () 直轄市災害防救之規劃及執行。
 () 直轄市民防之實施。
 () 直轄市合作事業。
 () 直轄市公用及公營事業。
 () 與其他地方自治團體合辦之事業。
地方制度法第 19
下列各款為縣 () 自治事項;
 () () 公職人員選舉、罷免之實施。
 () () 組織之設立及管理。
 () () 戶籍行政。
 () () 土地行政。
 () () 新聞行政。
 () () 財務收支及管理。
 () () 稅捐。
 () () 公共債務。
 () () 財產之經營及處分。
 () () 社會福利。
 () () 公益慈善事業及社會救助。
 () () 人民團體之輔導。
 () () 宗教輔導。
 () () 殯葬設施之設置及管理。
 () 市調解業務。
 () () 學前教育、各級學校教育及社會教育之興辦及管理。
 () () 藝文活動。
 () () 體育活動。
 () () 文化資產保存。
 () () 禮儀民俗及文獻。
 () () 社會教育、體育與文化機構之設置、營運及管理。
 () () 勞資關係。
 () () 勞工安全衛生。
 () () 都市計畫之擬定、審議及執行。
 () () 建築管理。
 () () 住宅業務。
 () () 下水道建設及管理。
 () () 公園綠地之設立及管理。
 () () 營建廢棄土之處理。
 () () 農、林、漁、牧業之輔導及管理。
 () () 自然保育。
 () () 工商輔導及管理。
 () () 消費者保護。
 () () 河川整治及管理。
 () () 集水區保育及管理。
 () () 防洪排水設施興建管理。
 () () 水資源基本資料調查。
 () () 衛生管理。
 () () 環境保護。
 () () 管道路之規劃、建設及管理。
 () () 交通之規劃、營運及管理。
 () () 觀光事業。
   () () 警衛之實施。
   () () 災害防救之規劃及執行。
   () () 民防之實施。
   () () 合作事業。
   () () 公用及公營事業。
   () () 公共造產事業。
   () 與其他地方自治團體合辦之事業。

Even though voting for the EU elections ended earlier, it wasn’t until Monday that the polls were announced, so it’s technically fit for use here. Instead of focusing on how bad the two main parties fared, I would like to look from another perspective, and that is the Union. Ever since the draft agreement came out, the countries that made up the UK had been in a tense relationship. The SNP, largest party in the Scottish parliament and third largest party in the Commons, had marked their intention to remain in the EU, and even went as far as to threaten the Union. The Irish republican Party, Sinn Fein, were absent the whole time. The Party of Wales, the Plaid Cymru, though not so extreme as the SNP or Sinn Fein, hasn’t been friendly to England either. 
Outsiders tend to view Brexit as an “UK” issue, a one-country affair. This simply implies they know nothing about the complexity of British politics. It is always a four-country issue. After the Scottish referendum a few years back, the UK granted Scotland more powers, making Scotland far more autonomous than Wales or Northern Ireland. This move may have calmed some “soft-lining” advocates, but hardline Scottish nationalist have used this increased power to their advantage. The SNP performed well in the 2017 elections and played their part in the failure of Brexit, which they deemed as an English affair, opposed by the Scottish. Similar goes to Irish and Welsh nationalists. One must always remember that, even in England, where support for the UK were at their highest, its support never peaked beyond 70%. Britain is a union of four nations, and Brexit made that clearer than ever. The two main parties, primarily based in England, had been leading the debate on the “English” issue known as Brexit since the beginning. No wonder there was fury. The EU elections may be an indicator on how pissed the voters are, but beyond the polls, there is always tension to be eased, relations to be managed. 
As for Taiwan, we don’t have this sort of problem here, since the law made it clear which government deals with what. There are no hidden “reserve powers”, no underlying nationalist agendas (as the political system doesn’t regard Taiwan as a union of nations). Even if conflicts do arise, well, the central government has its ways (which may include direct intervention/takeover). 

